Neighborhood noise

Cases of neighborhood noise are many: equipment noises (heat pump, pool pump, ...) or comportemental noises (music or television too loud, screaming, footsteps from upstairs, ...) can quickly become unbearable.

Solving a neighborhood conflict is sometimes made very complicated by the accumulation of several factors: lack of dialogue, bad faith, nuisance experienced differently,...

It sometimes becomes necessary to use an external person, neutral and competent, who can objectively determine the nuisance experienced by the complainant by means of noise measurements. That is the role of the acoustician.

The latter generally intervenes after the attempts to settle the dispute out of court have failed, the municipality has been informed of the problem, the municipal police services or the Regional Health Agency (ARS) have achieved noise measurements or have refused to intervene, so that the situation persists sometimes for years without any changes.


 Our role is twofold:

  • we intervene to characterize the noise perceived at the complainant's house, with a campaign of acoustic measurement, on one hand. These measurements are performed by a qualified acoustician, according to standards and using class 1 measuring devices. They are therefore justiciable.
  • We advise you, on the other hand, on the possible treatment solutions to implement in order to reinforce the sound insulation of a dwelling and limit the noise from the source. This may, in some cases, require further acoustic studies.

Do not hesitate to contact us to request a quote or additional information.

Important: We recommend that you inquire with your insurer, who can support totally or partially the acoustic consulting fees incurred in connection with legal proceedings.